Saturday 30 December 2017

A better you

Dear reader,
Happy new year!
It's a time when, traditionally, we make promises and resolutions to be "new" in the next twelve months. You know the drill...
  1. Join the gym, eat healthily and loose weight.
  2. Stop all the drinking/smoking.
  3. Get a better job/start a career.
  4. Find your true love and live happily ever after.
  5. Travel the world.
Sure these are great goals. However, they are all good things to do any time of the year. To say "this will be the new me" says the old you is no longer relevant and out of order?
This is D*gshit.
We seem to believe that we need to be a "new us" to be the person that we are meant to be. Like going to the gym and getting bigger biceps or a tinier waist will suddenly make everything go away? Because in truth, why should they go away in the first place?
Our faults, our flaws, our broken promises, our failures. These are the things that will make us who we are and who we will become. If we didn't have these flaws, how could we possibly measure how far we have come. I have made many mistakes in my life, and I will carry on making them until the end, and I don't regret a single one.
Forget the "new year, new me" thing. Go with something that is true, something that is real. Something that is you. But hey? don't get me wrong, by all means, improve you, grow you, revisit you and remould you to be the new you that you will truly be proud of.

I generally believe that the world throws challengers at us to grow and develop into the wiser and much stronger versions of ourselves. Hold onto your dreams, listen to your favourite music, and get lost in a beautiful book. Do the things that make you happy, and surround yourself with the people that truly make you feel good. Create your own sunshine, and hopefully 2018 will be a brand new beginning for all of us. So here's to you, and your beautiful imperfect self.
I hope you all have an amazing start to the new year. And remember, remain an Audrey Hepburn in a world full of kardashians.

Images taken by the talented Cal Hibbard.

Until next time...

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