Wednesday 15 April 2015

Yet another monochrome outfit..

I've been super busy the past week with workloads, so apologies for not getting many outfit posts up. However, seeing as it’s a beautiful sunny day today, I thought I’d treat you lovely readers with an outfit of the day post, featuring a beautiful monochrome stripy play-suit from Missguided.

I bought this beauty after seeing it on sale a few weeks ago, and I clearly can’t handle life when I see a sale go up online, (I think I need cancelling, because shopping is my kind of addiction). The play-suit fits really well, especially around the waist area. I normally find it really hard with play-suits, particularly ones that take your shape (like a body con).

The stripy monochrome channels major chic vibes. The quarter length sleeves aren't something I normally go for, because I've always thought I have weird arms due to being double jointed. However, I love the way the sleeves fit snugly (and they aren't too tight either).
I wore tights with the play-suit, something I would never do whilst wearing white. However, the weather wasn't great in Liverpool, and I had a long day travelling around to different places (I hate being cold, it’s the worst… where’s the summer at?). If the weather was shinning, I would have probably wore some knee high socks to give the outfit that extra 60’s feel to it, I’d also pair up some cute brown brogues instead of sensible black shoes. Just you wait summer, I have so many outfits planned and you won’t know what’s hit you!!

To finish the look I added a long line lightweight cardigan from Primark and my favourite tie up pumps from New look, keeping the outfit casual, however, stylish. And considering I went to the cutest little Italian restaurant called 'The Italian Club' in the evening, my outfit fitted in perfectly (oh and the food was incredible, I'm probably going to have dreams about that lasagna for the rest of my life).

 Thanks for taking your time reading. I go on holiday in just over two weeks, I can't wait to share my holiday outfits with you all. Check out my Instagram for more fashion bits and bobs -

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