Wednesday 27 May 2015


How quickly has this week gone? I’ve got my days completely muddled up because I worked all weekend, so today feels like a Tuesday to me, rather than a Wednesday. My birthday is slowly creeping up and the weekend is approaching again. I have so much on my mind this week, and it’s dragging my mood down loads. The thing is with me, I over think… everything. I’m so switched on that I can’t let go of things that need to be forgotten and left behind. I suppose being a stress head runs in the family, so my father says, it's the annoying Smith gene apparently.

Today I wanted to share this lovely bronzed look with you, this beauty is from Missguided. I’ve always loved anything midi style, I find it so flattering, especially if you’re planning on a few drinks after something to eat, and this dress in particular has a ruffled style. Ruffles are a girl’s best friend if she bloats easy after a meal, this dress was perfect for that (especially with the food I ate that night, too many ribs and ice cream to get me through to the next year. I’ve never really had ribs before, so that was an experience by itself). I adore the colour of this dress, the brown looked amazing against my tan and I found it really easy to pair accessories and shoes with it. I wore my nude beauts from Public Desire, and minimal makeup. A look like this doesn't need to be ruined by horrible amounts of makeup (especially with those ribs, that’s a big no no).
 The weather was beautiful that day, and so was the sunset. I loved spending time with my other half; it’s so amazing to be able to share those moments with your best friend (how cute is his elephant T-shirt by the way?).

 As I mentioned before, I had ribs, not the best decision in the world due to how messy they can be, however, who cares? no one knew me there so it was fine. After looking at the deserts menu in the restaurant, we decided to go and raid the deserts in our hotel instead (we were half bound, so it was completely okay to go in and indulge on free deserts. And I couldn't resist their amazing ice creams and strawberries, oh my), of course I took advantage, who wouldn’t?

I was really naughty this weekend and ordered pizza on the bank holiday Monday (which felt like a Sunday to me), so I’ve been working super hard these past few days in the gym. I’ve always liked working out and keeping active, but this healthy eating is starting to take a toll. Everywhere I look I see either a lump of cheese or the creamiest lasagne (oh and chocolate ice cream and Philadelphia, basically anything that has dairy or extra cheese in it).
I hope everyone’s week is going as quick as mine has been, only two more days until the weekend now. If you are interested in buying either the dress or shoes I am wearing, they are still on sale on both the Missguided and Public Desire websites (click for links).
 Thank you for taking your time reading. Check out my Instagram for more fashion bits and bobs -

Until next time...

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