Monday 1 June 2015

Summer yellow


First of all, happy 1st Of June! how quickly has this year gone? June is my favourite month of year (other than Christmas), I'm super excited it's came so quickly.

Yellow isn’t a colour I wear very often, however, it’s one of my most favourable. I love how you instantly look like you are dressed for summer when you wear yellow (and not just because you have bumble bee’s constantly trying to nibble on you). Wearing yellow automatically makes me feel happier, maybe because the sun’s yellow? And I adore it when the sun comes out, there’s nothing worse than bad summer weather. Last week was a typical British rainy week, shock horror. However, we’re apparently meant to be having a heat wave this week? Just in time for my birthday on the weekend, so fingers crossed.

This little beauty of a dress was from River Island's summer collection last year. I purchased it originally for a wedding I went to last spring, and I couldn't wait to bring it out again for my holiday. I thought it would be a perfect dress to bring along to Spain, seeing as it hasn't seen many sunny days in a while, and it would be a shame to leave such a lovely dress in the back of the wardrobe for any longer.

I paired the dress up with my little black pointed heels I bought from a little boutique store in Liverpool, these babies have gone everywhere with me the past year (bought originally for my graduation last year), and they amazingly go with anything I put together. I dread the day they are ruined, looks like I’ll have to go on a hunt to find a new pair…
I wore my hair up that night because the weather was still very hot when we went for food, and there’s nothing worse than being flustered around the dinner table. I obviously had seafood paella again, my summer obsession. Spain’s strawberries have to be the yummiest strawberries I've ever tasted as well; I’m drooling just thinking about them.

Hope everyone's weekend was as nice as mine was. I’m super excited to be getting dressed up for my birthday this weekend; I can’t wait to finally have a weekend of nice surprises and loads of birthday cake and food, with the company of my favourite people. Summer is approaching, and I couldn't be happier.
Thank you for taking your time reading. Check out my Instagram for more fashion bits and bobs -

Until next time...

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