Friday 3 July 2015

White + Elephants

Once again... I can only apologise for my absence and lack of posts this week. My week has been crazy busy, and I was too tired to write once I got home each night. I did however, have time to fit some new blog shoots through the week with a talented friend, so I'm looking forward to sharing those with you all. Today's post is one of many, so keep checking back.
My new job has been an adventure so far. I really miss my internship already though, and it hasn't even been a week yet. I didn't realise how lucky I was to be around so many great artists until it ended.
Today I wanted to talk about the crazy Elephant trend, and how most online stores and retail stores are stocking the pattern into the summer clothing range. The top  I am wearing above is actually a part of a beautiful co-ord from Missguided, however, I wanted to show how versatile and amazing the design is. The Elephant is very in in right now isn't it? Everywhere I look I see someone wearing some kind of design that involves the print. I've also came across so many elephant tattoos in the last year! it's been insanely popular.
I paired the cute little tie up front top with my high waist white skirt. This skirt is beautiful. I still get nervous wearing this skirt because of the colour, however, I've got over the white fear now. I love how the elephant print breaks up the white a little, gives the outfit that extra something.
I wore my monochrome heels to finish the outfit. These heels are so versatile! I can literally put them with most clothes and they go amazing. Both the skirt and heels are from Missguided.
All three items are available to buy online, so go elephant! (sorry haha)
I hope everyone's week hasn't been as hard and long as mine. I can't wait to have a few days off next week where I plan to work out, eat properly and write! it's going to be amazing. I never seem to have time to just relax anymore, I really miss binge watching films and eating ice cream... those are the small perks in life aren't they? They're mine for sure!
Thank you for taking your time reading as always. Check out my Instagram for more fashion bits and bobs -

Until next time...
 photo ghkg_zpsf3qy2pe1.jpg

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