Monday 16 November 2015

Fall has fell.

Guess whose back? And fingers crossed this time to stay.

So I should probably start by explaining why I've not blogged in a few months, however, I'm all out of excuses and it simply comes down to me not quite feeling myself (and my lack of enthusiasm and inspiration). I've learnt loads about myself over the past few months. I've realised that my own happiness is what should always come first, and I shouldn't shy away from the things I want most. I've always known the path I wanted to go down, I just never imagined I'd be hitting a brick wall first. However, like every other obstacle course that life seems to throw at me, I'll get over this one like I did the rest, so cheers to a new me.  
As seasons come and go, I notice myself changing in both style and appearance. My love for black is as strong as ever, yet with all the new winter collections flying in, I can already feel myself swaying towards warm polo-neck jumpers and high knee boots (the ultimate combination). I’m also really drawn to anything stripy lately, the more stripes… the better.
Seeing as the leaves are falling, and the Christmas decorations are sitting in anticipation to be brought out the cupboards, what better way to start then to blog those perfect winter coats we're all rushing around trying to find. For me, this year, mine are special and I couldn't be happier with my little finds. I decided that the beige beaut above would be the perfect start to sharing my winter coat wardrobe.
I was automatically drawn to this amazing Miss Selfridges coat the second I saw it hanging on the rails. There's something about capes that have always stolen my heart. After the silent (loud in my mind) sign of approval, I can imagine a lot of you are wondering whether or not to purchase or flaunt your very own trendy cape coat. So go on, give yourself up to its sleek lines and distinct silhouette. Cape coats have different styles so choose a style befitting your personality, here are few pointers!
If you're looking for a cape coat that is best for high profile gatherings or a night on the town with your girlfriends, choose an elegant shape. Layer it with a chic cardigan, long sleeved blouse, black skinny jeans and a pair of trendy ankle boots to complete that fabulous winter look.
If you plan to 'play it cool', then cape coats are perfect to polish a casual outfit. A pair of dark denim jeans and a button down blouse will be amazing paired with a neutral toned cape over your shoulders. Or (like mine above), if you fancy loosening up a little further, try decorating with a little fur.
If you're feminine and proud, a cape coat will heighten your charm. Find one with a perfect clean and modish look, it's well cut silhouette gives that little extra to your striking look. For a dark chunky knitted dress (literally my favourite look right now), choose a simple grey belted coat and matching accessories. You can even go flirty and cute with this look, by pairing a vibrant checked cape coat with an attractive simple cut dress. Topshop are in fact selling the most insane checked cape coat right now, so go and check out if you're a fan of checks.
And finally, fancy catching someone's eye? Than a bright coloured cape coat is your perfect match. You can have a fun and playful look if you keep a few little tips in mind. Always be aware of the colour scheme. If the coat is bright blue, find an outfit that compliments it well. And have fun with it, there’s nothing worse than wearing a bright colours outside and completely feeling out of place. So own it. 
If you want to get your hands on the coat I am wearing above, it is still available on site and in store Miss Selfridges.
This week has been filled with work and some more work, however, I did manage to fit in pizza night and a few nights out (how could I not?). Speaking of pizza (because I obviously need to get this of my chest), who on earth goes out of their way to order pineapple on pizza? It’s weird, and I refuse to entertain those weird habits. Also, who would honestly order BBQ instead of tomato sauce? I have no idea what planet those people live on, but it's surely not mine.
Now to finish off, who else was excited about the new 'Balmain' HM collection hitting the shops? I for one, want everything in sight. If only they made the prices more affordable because I could definitely see myself purchasing everything on those amazing rails.
I hope you’ve all been well, I promise to stick around this time so keep both eyes peeled for future posts and rants (sorry not sorry). I hope everyone has had an amazing weekend. My heart goes out to Paris this week, what an absolute travesty. When the city of lights go dark, the rest of the world light up for it - #Prayforparis
Thank you for taking your time reading as always, Check out my Instagram for more fashion bits and bobs -
If you're interested in any photography portfolio work -
Twitter @callumography
Until next time... 
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