Tuesday 5 January 2016

Are you feeling the dark side?

 I hope you’ve all had a fabulous NYE and Christmas, and have recovered from all those bubbles consumed over the past week. Before I get into resolutions and how excited I am for the New Year, I have to thank you guys for all your continued support in 2015 and beyond. My blog is almost one years old, and yes, I love it, but it’s you guys that keep me going on full blast.

 As for resolutions, I am keeping it simple with a few things I want to do more of and a few things I want to do less. I will hopefully be getting back to basics in all areas of my life, working on myself and stepping it up big time in twenty sixteen. As for the blog, I have loads of fresh new ideas I can’t wait to share with you all for the upcoming warmer months.

As for things I want to change, I want to stop being negative. I allow too many people in my life to swan in and out, and I always try to do the best for other people instead of myself. Without getting too deep, I want to start thinking about myself for once and let the positivity begin.

 Another thing I would love to change is that I am too indecisive. I like my comfort zones, and with the outfit above, I am truly in my zone. Black helps with insecurities, and that is exactly why I adore it. A bucket of colour options immediately makes me shy away. Opting for black every time just makes life easier, you feel me? What’s something edgy, funky, and usually dark? Black, every time.  

 I feel like I’ve done the look above loads of times, however, who cares? Because it’s amazing. How could you not love a black on black look? Especially when a fabulous pair of knee high boots are involved in the equation. My knee highs are my hero, they never fail to make a basic outfit look incredible. So if you haven’t already purchased a pair, please do, because you honestly won’t regret it.

 If you’re interested in buying my dress or boots, they are currently still available on both the Missguided and Public Desire websites.

 I am thankful for all the incredible people who have stuck around and been in my life, helping me become the person I am today. I believe that the world definitely throws challengers at us to grow and develop into the wiser and much stronger people that we are now. Hold onto your dreams, listen to your favourite music, and get lost in a beautiful book. Do the things that make you happy and never let other people take your happiness. Create your own sunshine, and hopefully 2016 will be a beautiful and brand new start for us all, I for one, am ready for change. We can only hope that this New Year will bring us something special.

 I hope you’ve all had an amazing start to year. And remember, remain an Audrey Hepburn in a world full of Kardashians.

Check out my Instagram for more fashion bits and bobs - www.instagram.com/chelslous 
If you're interested in any photography portfolio work - Callummatthewsphotos@hotmail.co.uk
Twitter @callumography
Until next time....
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